
NaNoWriMo….Yep, I Am Taking the Plunge

In Freelancing, Writing on October 2, 2013 at 9:47 am


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WARNING: This Writer Will Be Writing a Novel of 50,000 Words During the Month of November. Should she exhibit random screaming fits,  twitch uncontrollably or begin speaking in tongues (which sound eerily like a recitation of basic grammar rules) back away and close the door.

I have considered participating in the insane NaNoWriMo challenge for several years but until this year I could not make the time commitment. But this year is different. Maybe as I age the hardening of my arteries has caused an irrational belief in my abilities or I have chemical imbalance leading to delusional thoughts. Of course, the voices in my head have gathered together and are using all of their powers of persuasion to let me know that yes, I have finally lost my mind. Being the rebel that I am I am ignoring the noisy little buggers and moving off into uncharted waters. Before you ask here are the answers to questions you may have:

Question #1: What will your novel be about?

Answer: I don’t have a clue.

Question #2: Where will you find the time?

Answer: Not really sure but my soon to be 20 year old son suggested that I could free up close to seven hours a day if I did not bitch at him. I think giving up food or sleep may be easier.

Question #3: Why on earth do you think this is a good idea?

Answer: Because I think that if at the end of 30 days there may be chance, no matter how slight that I might have created something that could really be something when it grows up.

Question #4: Are you scared?

Answer: Of course not. Well, OK that maybe that was a little white lie. Actually it is a whopper of a lie. I would say I am scared Sh^*less.

Question #5: Who is going to cook, clean and make sure your meet your other deadlines?

Answer: I have no idea. What are you doing for the month of November.

BTW if you would like to join me on this insane odyssey fueled by cold cups of strong coffee and the burning need to fill pages with lifeless characters and poorly structured plots… please do. Wait a second that last line was infiltrated by the voices in my head. What I meant to say was, “If you would like to join me on this fulfilling odyssey  fueled by the desire to create and bring forth the next great novel then hang on it’s going to be a wild ride.


  1. Haha what a picture choice!

  2. […] NaNoWriMo….Yep, I Am Taking the Plunge ( […]

  3. Good luck with the challenge, I’ll be there too! First time. 🙂

    Following your blog now. 🙂

  4. […] NaNoWriMo….Yep, I Am Taking the Plunge […]

  5. […] NaNoWriMo….Yep, I Am Taking the Plunge ( […]

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