
Archive for August, 2014|Monthly archive page

“All Kids Complain About Working”, Sen. Paul Hornback (R)…even when picking tobacco 12 hours a day

In Uncategorized on August 29, 2014 at 1:00 pm

Did you know that children are picking the tobacco that you are smoking? Did you know that this is legal in the US? Did you know that Kentucky Senator Jon Hornback thinks it builds character?

CLICK HERE to watch the full video.

The Writing Biz- Your Writing Business Plan with Nina Amir

In Uncategorized on August 29, 2014 at 10:18 am


 Complete post with all the resources, links and more 

The Writing Biz is an online Hangout On Air and Podcast that is designed to help writerpreneurs manage and grow their businesses. Often writers find themselves feeling overwhelmed when they are trying to take care of all of their business responsibilities and learn as they go. I am hoping that with the help of my wonderful guests that we can give you the tools, resources and guidance that will help you.


This guy was just trying to pick up his kids and got tasered for it. This is the America that we live in.

In News on August 29, 2014 at 8:57 am

For the more on this story. 

7 Things To Help You Decide If Your Small Business Should Hire a Social Media Consultant

In Social Media on August 26, 2014 at 8:25 am


7 Things Social Media

As the owner of a small business you are busy and it can be a challenge to get all the to-dos off your list by the end of the day. There probably isn’t enough time to deal with your social media accounts, much less come up with creative, new content. You tried letting a couple of people in the office help out, but they didn’t really have the experience that was needed to get the results you were looking for. Should you hire a social media consultant? Here are 7 things that may help you make that decision. 

1. Your Website Needs to Be Resuscitated 

More often than not a business owner will have a website built and then get upset that they are not achieving the results that they expected. That comes from having the “Field of Dreams” mentality. If we build it they will come. Not true, pretty much, ever. Your website needs to have some life to it. It needs content that engages with your audience and offers solutions. It needs to reach out to your audience and draw them to your message. 

2. Facebook Doesn’t Seem to Be Working Like It Used To

There are several reasons that Facebook may not be working for you as well as it used to. One of the problems that small businesses are having is that their reach has become even more limited by Facebook’s ad platform. Another problem is that your Facebook followers, for the most part,are people you already know. While that helps to build brand loyalty, you are not necessarily gaining new business. Maybe Facebook is the wrong platform for your brand. A social media consultant can evaluate your needs and find out which social media platforms are the best fit for your business.


SEO For Your Writing Website Without the Headache

In Social Media, Writing on August 25, 2014 at 3:18 pm


SEO website


My Favorite SEO Plug-In For Your Writing Website

As I was preparing for this week’s The Writing Biz show I thought about my own WordPress sites and it occurred to me that I should share my favorite plug-in with you. I am not an SEO expert. I understand it well enough to do what I need to do for my clients in my writing biz but trying to understand the real down and dirty technical stuff makes my head hurt. There is a plug-in that I use on my WordPress sites that saves me from myself.

WordPress SEO by Yoast

WordPress SEO by Yoast is a lifesaver. This plug-in is easy to use and it makes sure that I don’t forget any of the pieces that the search engines love.



WP SEO Screen

This is a screenshot WordPress SEO as it looks on The Writing Biz website. The post that I was working on is titled The 5 Things The Writing Biz Social Media Series Taught Me. As you can see I used the keyword “social media”. The SEO Title is the same as the main title on this post. That is not always the case. Sometimes I use a different title to get better SEO than the main title, if the main title is not as descriptive. The plug-in will alert you if you exceed the recommended length. There is also a space where you can fill in the metadata for the post. I use the first couple of sentences from the post, if that applies. Once you have filled in the information in the spaces provided  click Save Draft and see if the little circle in the top left of your post is red, yellow or green. Of course, your goal is green. Even if the circle is green you should click on the Page Analysis Tab

For the rest of the post CLICK HERE

The Daily Think

Laura Quick's book The Quick Guide To Parenting is available to order on Amazon. A perfect gift for parents.

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The Daily Post

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Lbwilliamsfl's Blog

Just another weblog


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