
Archive for June, 2013|Monthly archive page

Imagine losing your life time investment in a flash!!

In Uncategorized on June 27, 2013 at 7:12 am

A great loss for a very talented photographer, I hope it is not long before he can replace his equipment and get back to what he does best,,,,taking incredible pictures,

Edward Echwalu - Documentary Photographer

Last week was one of the darkest in my life. And this is how an eventful and bright day suddenly went dark.

I was meant to travel to Gulu town, located about 400km north of Kampala, Uganda’s capital on Thursday morning to volunteer for a robotic training organized by my friends Solomon King and Sandra Washburn.P01

That morning, Taxi operators went on strike, protesting the increased operation fees. Transport in Kampala City was a mess. The over 5 million inhabitants of this city who primarily use public transport were held hostage. I was part of the statistic that day.P02

Sporadic riots were happening all over down town Kampala. Teargas was being fired from one side of town, bullets went off in the other. I was caught in between. For that reason, I didn’t travel. No one did.

I decided to take advantage of the situation and photographed a few exchanges…

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Duck! Flying Pigs!

In Freelancing, Inspiration, Writing on June 25, 2013 at 8:10 am

I won’t start this post with the obligatory “I know I haven’t posted in awhile”….well never mind, I think I just did. Regardless, I came across a TED Talk video today that made me laugh and think. It struck an immediate chord with me as one that struggles with algebra. I remember as a young student yelling in frustration at my mother, “Letters are for reading, not adding.” Needless to say, math continued to be forced on me and it wasn’t until I was 40 that I actually passed an algebra class. I still think letters should be for reading not adding.

As this video went on I began to consider the statement ” When pigs fly”. Me being me and unwilling to accept that anything is impossible I consider pig flight to be improbable but not necessarily impossible, just as many things in my life could be explained in the same light. I have had dramatic changes happen in my life the past few years. If I had been asked years ago if they would occur I would have said “when pigs fly”. But here we are and not a flying pig in sight. I am sure that in some secret government lab some bumbling yet brilliant LSD imbibing fringe scientist along with his sweet but weird son and an FBI agent that travels to a parallel universe are working on making pigs fly….oh wait, that’s a television show. OK, maybe no one is actively trying to make pigs fly but I do feel all of us should be trying by sheer force of will, imagination and fearlessness make our own pigs fly. (You do have a pig don’t you?). You should strive to challenge the impossibilities in your life and make them possible. Reach for your dreams and like the song says “You may not get what you want but you’ll get what you need”. (Source: Rolling Stones a bitchin’ rock and roll group that is now geriatric and a weird) Or just take a nap. We need our rest, too.

If you are so inclined let me know about your flying pig experiences. What did impossibility did you make possible? I may, with your permission put any responses into a blog post to show others how amazing you are.

(You may be thinking, did she really after all this time feel that this is the most compelling post she could come up with? Yeah, that’s pretty much it. I have a lot on my mind and a lot on my plate but I feel that I will be posting more soon. Maybe when pigs fly.)

NeverWet: What Kind of Strange, Sick and Wonderful Water-Repelling Voodoo Is This?!

In Uncategorized on June 24, 2013 at 4:11 pm

I want …i want….i want

A Girl’s Message to all Christians

In Uncategorized on June 19, 2013 at 7:02 am


Guatemalan syphilis victims lose hope in legal battle against US

In Random on June 15, 2013 at 7:56 am




As a nine-year-old child, Marta recalled seeing her name on a list to go to the doctor’s office. An orphan, she had been living in the National Education Center since the age of six.

Before long, she would be prodded and poked every week for a year, receiving shots in her hip and shoulder, and having blood drawn.

“My mother tells us that she would ask over and over again, ‘why are you doing this if I am not even sick?'” says Luis Estuardo Vasquez Orellana, one of Marta Lidia Orellana Guerra’s five children. His mother, who is still alive today, also underwent unnecessary back surgery and was left to rest hanging upside down on and off in post-surgery recovery for months.

It was 1946, and Ms. Orellana was one of thousands of Guatemalans who were unwittingly subjected to secret human experiments led by US doctors.

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Kasey’s Capable Hands

In Uncategorized on June 14, 2013 at 8:55 am

What a wonderful gift for this young man. Animals that are in service are priceless and inspiring.

My Good Time Stories

I found this video that will absolutely touch your heart. After a horrific car crash, this man was told he would never walk, move, or speak again. Thanks to an indomitable spirit and some help from a monkey, that’s all changing.

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Childhood…Is it becoming extinct?

In Inspiration on June 12, 2013 at 7:15 pm

I have an 8 year old grandson. He is really awesome kid. He’s smart, funny and kind. His passion in life right now involves an Xbox and the game Minecraft. Honestly, sometimes it really gets on my nerves. But today I realized something, here in the United States my grandson can sit with a game controller in his hand and be a boy. He is not holding a machine gun, or the dying body of a brother, sister mother, father or grandparent. When he is hungry he can pause the game and find food and drinks in the fridge. He is not starving, searching for food, begging or selling himself to feed himself and his family. In our country my grandson lives below the poverty level but he still has food, a roof and he can go to school. My grandson is not being threatened, raped or forced to shoot others. He is allowed to be an 8 year old boy.

“Childhood should be carefree, playing in the sun; not living a nightmare in the darkness of the soul.”
― Dave PelzerA Child Called “It”


This is not the case for thousands and thousands of children across the world. It is not the case for the children of Africa that are forced into the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army). It is not the case for children sold as sex slaves. It is not the case for children that are beaten, raped and mutilated by adults.

It saddens me deeply, when I watch a movie such as “Machine Gun Preacher” about the life of Sam Childers, it reminds me of the frailty of the human condition, particularly among children, our most vulnerable. Childers is a former Outlaw biker, heroin addict, drug dealer who accepted Christ into his life and went on to build a church here is the States and after seeing the atrocities in Sudan he built an orphanage to save children in Africa. It sickens me when I read about children being forced into sex slavery. Being a child is not a possibility for so many.

“Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me. ”
― Fred Rogers

It angers me when I hear people say, well that’s not our problem, we have our own problems in the US that we need to fix. While there it is true that we do have our own problems, we also have far more services, opportunities and support than many other areas of the world, a world that we are all part of. I don’t have to worry when I go to sleep tonight that a military group is going to burn my grandson out of his home, kill his mother, and probably his brother because he is only two and then force him to carry a gun, kill people including friends and family and live a life of fear and helplessness.

Yeah, I think I will let him play his Xbox, build his Minecraft towns and let him be a child for as long as possible.


Joseph Kony. Leader of the LRA with the help of the Sudanese government is responsible for an estimated 40,000 child abductions. In the past 15 years approximately 200,000 women and girls have been raped in the Congo.

Child sex slavery is not “someone else’s problem”, It is rapidly growing here in the US. 

“Nothing you do for children is ever wasted.”
― Garrison KeillorLeaving Home

You Never Know What Can Happen When Your Waiting for a Bus….

In Inspiration, Random on June 12, 2013 at 1:54 pm

This took place in Sweden. A wonderful creative group got together and staged a brilliant prank at a bus top. Hats off to the guy with mad Photoshop skills.

The Daily Think

Laura Quick's book The Quick Guide To Parenting is available to order on Amazon. A perfect gift for parents.

Wander Woman Thea

Taste, Travel, Tell

Bones Don't Lie

Current News in Mortuary Archaeology and Bioarchaeology

Violent metaphors

Thoughts from the intersection of science, pseudoscience, and conflict.

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging

Post it Notes from my Idiot Boss

delivered directly to my computer monitor on an all too regular basis...

Listful Thinking

Listless: Lacking zest or vivacity

Leadership Freak

Empowering Leaders 300 Words at a Time

the chic

Documenting a chic lifestyle

Nike N. Chillemi ~ mystery & a merry heart

Grace & Grit ~ Like my bad guys really bad - My good guys fighting for justice against steep odds.

Lbwilliamsfl's Blog

Just another weblog


a look inside the life of Whitney