
Archive for March, 2013|Monthly archive page

Sunday Inspiration: Easter Redemption and Feel The Nails – Ray Boltz

In Inspiration on March 31, 2013 at 8:00 am

I hope you are having a wonderful Easter surrounded by friends and family. I posted this video because I think that the song is incredibly powerful and it embodied the Easter holiday. Today take a moment to reflect on the impact your choices have on the people around you. Are you helping to lift others? Look closely around you is there someone who can use a kind word or gesture. Giving from your heart is the most precious gift of all.

Spring and Easter are the time of renewal and rebirth. Make a commitment to bring more joy and love into the world. Shun negativity and approach difficulties with an open heart and  know that life is going to throw things at you that may make you want to give up or place blame. Don’t battle life. Life is going to happen to you, it is up to you how you choose to react. You reactions to life and how you cope influences everyone around you, including the children in your life. To use an analogy from The Dude and the Zen Master, let them see that you can row merrily along, if you just keep rowing. Sometimes the stream will carry you swiftly along it’s waters and sometimes the currents and winds will make you struggle but if you stay the course and keep merrily rowing you will make progress and eventually get where you are headed.

Take a deep breath. Pray. Meditate. Consider all of your options. Life happens to all of us and that’s a good thing.

In Uncategorized on March 31, 2013 at 6:45 am

I love this. What a wonderful idea. A simple gesture that can mean so much.

New Book Idea: Business Blogging Isn’t For Dummies ( I am probably getting myself some hate mail for this one)

In Freelancing on March 30, 2013 at 8:51 am


I came across a blog post this morning that made me cringe. The post is titled

The Importance of Avoiding Writing Mistakes in a Business Blog

I almost feel bad for what I am about to say. This post is awful. I can’t believe that the author reread this and considered the work to be of the quality needed to be considered an expert opinion on writing of any kind. I would not be commenting on this if it was a post about the cutest thing their cat did today but when you post an article that makes you sound like an authority on anything, then there you must meet the expectations of your claims. Period.

Please read this and let me know what you think.


In Uncategorized on March 30, 2013 at 8:31 am

Funny Stuff. Quite often I am amazed at how people choose to represent their business.

A Baby, A Giant and Magic: Keeping an Eye on Shaquille O’Neal

In Florida, Inspiration, Writing on March 29, 2013 at 7:43 am


In 1993 my son was in a hospital in Orlando recovering from a life threatening illness. He was three weeks old. That week was one of the most difficult weeks of my life and we almost lost that wonderful little boy who today is 19 years old. At the end of his stay he was moved from pediatric ICU, one afternoon I was returning from grabbing a cup of coffee and when I entered his room I could not help but notice that there was a seven foot tall black man holding my son. My son who was born a healthy weight of 7 lbs and 12 oz. looked like a premature infant in his huge hands. But what really struck me was the man’s eyes. There was so much tenderness and kindness in their depths that I have never forgotten it.

The man was Shaquille O’Neal who at that time played for the Orlando Magic. I am not a basketball fan, by any means but I have also kept my eye on this guy. What developed from that is a sense of awe. I don’t use that word lightly. I am in awe of Shaq’s personality, intelligence and his ability to keep it real. He does so much good out in the world and he does it through real connections and humor.

Shaq recently bought a home in Lake County, Fl. where I live and rumor had it that in the last election he was going to make a run against out sheriff but then decided not to. What excites me about Shaq living here is not his celebrity but his willingness to make where he lives a better place. He can do so much to encourage our youth.

Shaq may be nerd, a comedian and one of the greatest of the greats on the basketball court but to me he is a man who knows how to walk the walk and talk the talks. He is a man of integrity, honesty and all-around coolness.

BTW Shaq…. Thanks for making a not so great day a very special one 19 years ago. You have no idea what that visit meant to me. You are a giant among men.

My Son Today: TanyaGaryWeddingFrankand Madre

George Takei on “Star Trek,” musicals and Japanese American internment

In Inspiration on March 28, 2013 at 7:44 pm

George Takei is a man of grace and intelligence with the soul of a true fighter for injustices.  In this video he discusses Broadway, his time in a Japanese Internment Camp in Arkansas and life. He is an amazing individual and at 75 he still rocks.

If you would like to more about the Japanese Internment Camps please visit:

Children of the Camps | INTERNMENT HISTORY: PBS

‘Colors of Confinement’: Japanese internment camp photographs by Bill Manbo: Washington Post

Japanese American Incarceration Facts: Japanese American National Museum







Adults Text While Driving More Than Teens, Says Survey

In Uncategorized on March 28, 2013 at 11:56 am

I see it all the time. Between taking phone calls and texting and even checking social sites it is becoming even more dangerous out there. Put down your phone people!!!!

Today I Will Work….

In Uncategorized on March 28, 2013 at 8:44 am

Me Treated

Today I will work.  For a change I feel pretty darn good. It’s hard for me to sit at the computer on my good days because there is so much I want to do out in the world. Like walk with my grandson down to the lake. Have lunch with a friend. Go to the mall with my daughter. Breathe fresh air.

But today I will work. I have some assignments to finish up and research to delve into for a couple of projects I am working on.

I think I am going to start a series of blogs on building an online brand image. That should keep me busy. I also am starting an article for kids on bees.

Today I will work. I hope to get enough accomplished that I can enjoy the afternoon without guilt. I think I will make sure to make the time to take my grandson for that walk. I can use a dose of looking at the world through his two year old eyes.

Now I will work.

WATCH: Finally, a Vacuum Cleaner That’s Built into a Car

In Uncategorized on March 27, 2013 at 4:53 pm

This would be AHHHHMAAAZZINNGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mozilla And Epic Games Bring Unreal Engine 3 To The Web, No Plugin Needed

In Uncategorized on March 27, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Amazing stuff.

The Daily Think

Laura Quick's book The Quick Guide To Parenting is available to order on Amazon. A perfect gift for parents.

Wander Woman Thea

Taste, Travel, Tell

Bones Don't Lie

Current News in Mortuary Archaeology and Bioarchaeology

Violent metaphors

Thoughts from the intersection of science, pseudoscience, and conflict.

The Daily Post

The Art and Craft of Blogging

Post it Notes from my Idiot Boss

delivered directly to my computer monitor on an all too regular basis...

Listful Thinking

Listless: Lacking zest or vivacity

Leadership Freak

Empowering Leaders 300 Words at a Time

the chic

Documenting a chic lifestyle

Nike N. Chillemi ~ mystery & a merry heart

Grace & Grit ~ Like my bad guys really bad - My good guys fighting for justice against steep odds.

Lbwilliamsfl's Blog

Just another weblog


a look inside the life of Whitney